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Monday, March 10, 2014

Today in SS 3/10

God/Goddess Research 

For this research, you will need to choose a Greek god or goddess.

Once you have chosen a Greek god, log in to EasyBib and begin taking notes. Remember, your notes should not include full sentences and should be in your own words.

The research information you will need to find is:

  1. The Greek God's name
  2. Roman name (if applicable)
  3. Married, siblings, parents?
  4. Where is he/she from?
  5. Where does he/she live?
  6. God of...
  7. Symbols
  8. Myths mentioned in
  9. Special talents, skills, or traits
  10. Weaknesses or areas that cause trouble for the God or Goddess

Please use one of the following websites to find your information:
Greek Gods Thinkquest
Greek Gods Info - Greek Gods and Goddesses
Department of Greek and Roman Studies, University of Victoria
Color Meanings

Britannica Images (Click Here)

Your notes should include pictures and please don't forget to include where you got the information and pictures 

When your notes are complete, begin creating a presentation using PhotoPeach, Little Birdtales, Poplet, or another tool of your choice.  Choose music that appropriately relates to your god/goddess.